What's New:

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Diktionary App (Android)

Hey all!

So I have just published a new app which I started developing at the weekend. It's a small functional dictionary app that lets you search for words, their synonyms, antonyms, and it highlights some examples of uses of those words.

The app also features a text-to-speech engine that allows words searched to be pronounced. The database for the app features more than 30, 000 English words.

Diktionary App
The Diktionary app is very basic and its UI design is simple and minimal. The app does not sport any design patterns or special features, and was created solely for educational purposes. I have released the app with source codes on GitHub. I am hoping that this app will serve as grounds for improvements to make the app more professional, hopefully.

Some of my thoughts to improve the Diktionary app includes;
  • Adding better and more attractive UI; attaching  images/videos to words searched.
  • Adding more than one language to choose from - hopefully to use a real-time translation    feature, of which it can cache translation results and display for viewing on an activity or        something (still thinking about this.)
  • Using MVVM (Model-View-View-Model) design pattern.
  • Using Room database library instead of SQLiteOpenHelper library especially to take advantage of compile time checks for erroneous SQL queries.
  • Also to use a Speech-To-Text engine to field voice inputs from users.
  • Sharing words from other apps to check with the dictionary. 

Diktionary app showing a word's definition!

Diktionary App Settings

You can download the app apk from here:

To view the view and download the source codes follow here:

If you get to download the app and its source codes and get to use it, lemme know how it goes and if it really works for you. You can also lemme know in the comments section below - suggestions and feed-backs, or features you would like to see in future updates of the Diktionary app! 


Thursday 22 June 2017

Hercules Mario Game

Welcome to our Landing Page for our Hercules Mario Game!

Hercules Mario Game is a derivative of the original Super Mario Bros. game and has a total of five levels. The game remake is for educational purposes and for fun, especially for all those who missed playing the Mario Bros. game from their younger days. Click to see full details.

Monday 29 May 2017

Tribute To The Classic Super Mario Game

We have created and published a remake of the 1985 iconic super Mario Bros. game and with some more interesting action. This game we have titled 'Hercules Mario': which is an Android based game that has been tweaked to add more enemies than the original classic Mario world 1-1, as well as other levels, that you may have been used to. 

Thursday 18 May 2017

Arduino-Based Door Lock System

Authors: Adetunji Yinka Clement, Anumbor Ogor


The rate at which theft is growing nowadays is highly alarming. As theft is increasing, security is becoming a major concern, hence the need for embedded security systems such as the presentation in this article. 

In this project, a door lock system with a 4x4 keypad, dc motor and Arduino uno is presented. From the keypad, a password is typed and the door will be opened only if the password is correct. Two indicator  LEDs; a red led and a green led is interfaced with the Arduino, the green LED comes ON if the password is correctly entered and red led is turned ON if wrong password is entered.

Here is a video demonstration of the project:

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Face Recognition Miss; Boston Marathon Bombings

Author: Anumbor Ogor

source: CNN (Boston Marathon bombing)

The Boston marathon bombings and subsequent events that followed with the infamous Tsarnaev brothers was a missed opportunity for security agencies to identify the brothers using existing face recognition systems.